[git-buildpackage] git-buildpackage defaults and most popular configurations
Otto Kekäläinen
otto at debian.org
Wed Dec 18 02:53:11 CET 2024
Out of curiosity I downloaded all the 24547 debian/gbp.conf files
currently in unstable (out of ~39000 source packages) and dumped all
config lines and sorted them to show all that had more than 100
Perhaps these results could be used to advocate that pristine-tar and
sign-tags should be enabled by default, and patch-numbers disabled, in
a future git-buildpackage version?
Lists below show first the full unique lines, then the "grouped" by
the first 10 characters of the line:
± cat *gbp.conf | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | tee gbp.conf-line-counts.txt
13443 [DEFAULT]
8579 pristine-tar = True
2763 [import-orig]
2628 sign-tags = True
1914 upstream-branch = upstream/latest
1833 debian-branch = debian/sid
1751 [buildpackage]
1671 debian-branch = debian/latest
1649 dist = DEP14
1446 debian-branch = debian/master
1332 upstream-branch = upstream
1185 [dch]
1092 patch-numbers = False
993 [pq]
986 filter = [ '.gitignore', '.travis.yml', '.git*' ]
881 debian-branch = master
873 upstream-tag = upstream/%(version)s
766 debian-branch=debian/master
728 multimaint-merge = True
719 # Configuration file for git-buildpackage and friends
688 pristine-tar=True
601 debian-tag = debian/%(version)s
534 filter = */.git*
503 pristine-tar = False
487 filter=[ '.gitignore', '.travis.yml', '.git*' ]
469 debian-branch = debian
445 filter-pristine-tar = True
378 compression = xz
362 # Always use pristine-tar.
361 # The default name for the upstream branch is "upstream".
361 # The default name for the Debian branch is "master".
361 # Change it if the name is different (for instance, "master").
361 # Change it if the name is different (for instance, "debian/unstable").
357 # git-import-orig uses the following names for the upstream tags.
356 # Change the value if you are not using git-import-orig
340 postimport = dch -v%(version)s New upstream release; git add
debian/changelog; debcommit
337 export-dir = ../build-area/
316 upstream-tag = v%(version)s
285 debian-branch = debian/unstable
267 # update this source: gbp pull
267 # publish source release: gbp tag && gbp push
266 # build package: gbp buildpackage
261 # clone this source: gbp clone $PKG_GIT_URL
258 # update upstream source: git fetch upstream-git --tags
257 # track upstream source: git remote add upstream-git $UPSTREAM_GIT_URL
257 pristine-tar = True
253 # import upstream release: gbp import-orig
--upstream-vcs-tag=$VERSION --uscan
240 debian-branch = debian/latest
239 pbuilder-options = --source-only-changes
237 upstream-tag = %(version)s
210 upstream-vcs-tag = %(version)s
197 upstream-branch=upstream
194 ignore-new = True
191 #export-dir = ../build-area/
183 upstream-branch = master
182 # Settings for Debian Tryton Maintainer repositories
182 # for usage with git-buildpackage
181 # your git repeository
181 # Use export-dir at your discretion to avoid git-buildpackage messing
181 debian-branch = debian/main
180 compression = gz
172 id-length = 7
171 upstream-vcs-tag = v%(version)s
165 pristine-tar-commit = True
164 upstream-vcs-tag = %(version%~%.)s
160 #compression = xz
157 # Currently we are using upstream compression, which is gz
153 # Use with orig.tar.xz tarballs, used for releases 2.2 to 3.0
152 compression-level = 9
150 ignore-branch = True
150 debian-branch = main
139 debian-branch=debian/sid
132 debian-branch = debian-sid
131 debian-branch=debian/latest
130 debian-branch=master
129 upstream-branch = upstream-sid
125 filter = [ '.gitattributes' ]
123 debian-branch=debian/main[DEFAULT]
122 upstream-vcs-tag = %(version%~%-)s
111 upstream-branch=upstream/latest
109 pristine-tar = true
103 pristine-tar-commit = False
cat *gbp.conf | cut -c 1-11 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | tee
13443 [DEFAULT]
10538 pristine-ta
9023 debian-bran
4167 upstream-br
2767 [import-ori
2701 sign-tags =
1752 [buildpacka
1716 upstream-ta
1649 dist = DEP1
1352 filter = [
1185 [dch]
1109 patch-numbe
993 [pq]
879 upstream-vc
854 compression
750 # Configura
733 multimaint-
724 # The defau
722 # Change it
698 debian-tag
556 component=[
538 filter = */
510 filter=[ '.
473 filter-pris
387 postimport
376 export-dir
370 # Always us
361 # Change th
357 # git-impor
267 # update th
267 # publish s
267 # build pac
266 # import up
263 # clone thi
260 # update up
260 # track ups
252 pbuilder-op
196 ignore-new
194 #export-dir
187 id-length =
182 # Settings
182 # for usage
181 # your git
181 # Use expor
176 #compressio
161 ignore-bran
159 # the defau
157 # Use with
157 # Currently
150 filter = ['
130 # use prist
112 # Options o
104 tarball-dir
102 filter = .g
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