[git-buildpackage] [ANNOUNCE] git-buildpackage 0.9.0~exp1

Guido Günther agx at sigxcpu.org
Sat Aug 5 02:15:11 CEST 2017

I'm happy to announce the relesae of git-buildpackage 0.9.0~exp1:


Here's a list of changes:

git-buildpackage (0.9.0~exp1) experimental; urgency=medium

  [ Guido Günther ]
  * User visible changes:
    * [ae7ed14] export-orig: new command to export orig tarballs from git
      (Closes: #840089)
    * [d9b535e] Use python3-notify2.
      Thanks to Alexandre Detiste (Closes: #870595)
    * [cfd884f] pristine-tar: don't print checkout errors twice
      similar to f1c3a6f4dc6ceee5be5d49b4d193da8fd36c8920
    * [76f247e] pristine_tar_verify_origs: skip verification if pristine-tar
      does not support it.
      This allows us to run with pristine-tar << 1.35
    * [961723e] docs: generate version.py if missing.
      This makes doc builds succeed in a clean tree.
    * [4424008] bin: drop umlaut to make setuptools happy
    * [e7bbd65] gbp-buildpackage: Group manpage options (Closes: #824801)
    * [ad3515a] buildpackage: drop the long deprecated --dont-purge option.
      Use --no-purge instead
  * Lots of internal changes to make tarball generation simpler and avoid
    code duplication between export-orig and build-package

  [ Ken Dreyer ]
  * [e5132b1] docs: fix spelling of "sure"

Thanks to everybody who contributed to this release. The package is
available via Debian experimental:


 -- Guido
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